997 Turbo

The Porsche 997.1 Turbo is one of our favorite cars to modify. The stock car is beautiful, wide, and has that traditional body shape that some claim ended with the 993. Add a 3.6tt water-cooled engine to the mix, and you have one of the quickest, most beautiful cars on the road without being overly ostentatious. While the car is beautiful from the factory, we think the cars personality comes to life with a few simple modifications, namely, some of our lowering springs which gives the car an aggressive stance while tightening up the car overall, along with our WCGT Exhaust coupled with GIAC software to give the car a kick that will make you laugh with joy over and over again. This client opted for that basic package, and the result is what you see here.

Merkury 4

Ferrari 458 Italia

It’s quite difficult to improve on a car like the 458, and this particular owner wanted to retain the OEM look while making subtle improvments. We performed a carbon wrap on some of the exterior pieces, both improving the look and doubling as a protective layer, added Novitec spacers, and finally Novitec lowering springs to enhance the overall stance of the car.